Here are some easy ways to support FCA just by doing your regular shopping.

  • Just clip the BoxTop from all participating products and bring to FCA. We receive 10 cents for every BoxTop submitted. If you are a tech savvy person, there is also a very easy to use BoxTop app!  click Here

  • When you shop mention Faith Christian Academy and a portion of the sales will be directed to FCA.  We also earn store credit at Office Max for turning in empty printer cartridges. Please bring your empty cartridges to the FCA office and help us keep costs down.


    Register your Fry's Rewards Card online at and FCA will receive a percent of purchases. We benefit and you only have to grocery shop! 

  • fall 2024 fundraiser

    SaveAround coupon books are being sold by our students and staff to raise funds for FCA.  These coupon books have both local and national savings!  Pick one up today!